Thursday, 16 February 2012

Fishing Superstitions and Believes....

Here are some I've gathered from the web for your reading pleasure:

- Bananas are banned on boats. It was documented
in the early 1700’s that almost every ship that
disappeared at the sea was carrying a cargo of bananas.

- It is believed that a woman on board is bad luck. However, it is
also said that a woman’s bare breast would calm a stormy sea.

- A dog seen near fishing tackle is bad luck.

- Stepping onto a boat with your left foot first is bad.

- Flowers are considered unlucky onboard a ship.

- Cutting your hair / nails at sea is bad luck.

- Looking back once the boat has left port can bring bad luck.

- Some believed Friday is a bad day to start a journey on a boat.

- Some anglers strongly believed in choosing the
‘right’ spot to break in a new reel / rod.

- For many, a specific hat is vital for a good fishing adventure.

- A fisherman always released the first fish he catches
back in the water for luck. (not sure about this one).

- Carry a fishing rod into the house before you
start on a fishing trip will not land you any fish.

- Never tell anyone how many fish you have,
while you are fishing, or you will be unlucky.

- Spitting on your bait will give you luck.

- Changing rod while fishing will bring bad luck.

the list goes on........

Superstitions have no basis in reality....they're just
creations of our minds. But these are powerful creations
affecting our actions and the resultant outcomes.
Ignoring them is to risk losing a boatload of fish....
Besides, some of them are fun......


  1. DS has made the following actions that cause his results today.

    1. eating banana
    2. looking back when the boat left the port
    3.bringing fishing rods into the house before fishing
    4. also, it's a friday to start with the bad luck

    1. DS's tale of his tooth might have cause me my catches.
      I ended up with only one Grouper.....that's dwarfed by your catch.
      But hey, everybody's happy and we have someone else's catch to boast about
